
Passionate about building authentic workplaces, Daniela is a dedicated Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) Practitioner with a profound commitment to creating environments where diversity is expected, equity is paramount, inclusion is woven into the fabric of organizational culture, and justice takes to form of accountability at all levels of the organization. With DEIJ experience in various fields, she is recognized for her strategic programming and cultural competence.

Daniela holds a Bachelors in Human Development from Tufts University and is in her final year of her Master’s Program in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Leadership from Tufts University. Daniela's academic achievements laid the foundation for her expertise in supporting the personal and professional development of individuals that are first-generation, low-income and/or hold undocumented status.

Throughout her career, Daniela has held key roles in various organizations, showcasing a deep understanding of DEI work across industries. Her most recent experience working in higher education strengthened her understanding that every place has their unique needs and different starting points. Daniela believes that every individual must commit to look within and do the hard work there before sustainable institutional change can happen. Daniela promotes a process of individual growth that can drive a collective transformation.

Grounded in critical race theory, intersectional feminism and decolonial frameworks, Daniela uses these frameworks to see the whole individual, in the context of the nation-state, and the organization.

The practice of using these grounding theories provides a guideline to understanding her  professional priorities and goals. Daniela brings a culture of accountability with a commitment to meeting folks where they are at.